Saturday, May 9, 2020

Life Lesson from A Betrayal Part II

Terima kasih tikam aku dari belakang,
di waktu aku melawan kata hati aku,
menidakkan kemungkinan kamu memiliki pisau.

Tertipu aku,
dengan kata hati sendiri yang memuliakan kamu;
dengan kamu yang berupa seorang sahabat.

Terima kasih atas pelajaran ini,
aku tak akan lupa sampai mati.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Life Lesson from A Betrayal

When you feel like you’re making a bad choice, you probably is. 
And if you still choosing it, be prepared to regret it one day.
Be prepared to be deeply devastated.

Sometimes, patience doesn’t pay off. Sometimes it’s not worth making all the sacrifices.
Sometimes, you really have to trust your instinct.

And if you pretend (to be strong) too much, soon you will be forgotten.
People will forget that you are a human with a heart.

If you think people will remember you for  all the ups and downs you’ve faced together with them, you’re wrong. People will justify everything they do. They will have excuses for everything.

Sometimes your role is just to pave a path for someone else to walk through it.
And what is your role again?
Just someone who paved the path.
For SOMEONE ELSE to walk through it.