Friday, March 9, 2012

..Hari Wanita Sedunia??..

I was so not aware of the fact that yesterday was Hari Wanita until so many people posted about it in fb. 

In fact I was never quite aware of it except for one particular year when me and my girlfriends got half price fee for movie ticket sempena hari wanita.  Tak ingat tahun bila tapi masa tu tengok movie ''Cold Mountain'', so you do the maths :p

And somehow since these few years I thought Wednesday is women's day sebab every Wednesday Gloria Jeans bagi half price harga kopi for ladies, kan?

Anyway, tadi I sempat kenakan En Hubby, ''oo,awak tak ingat ek hari ni hari apa..tak bagi hadiah pun'' *buat-buat merajuk.  Dia diam sambil tengok saya, gaya nak mengingat balik tarikh-tarikh keramat.  Then he guessed ''Hari kita tunang ek?''

Hahaha.  Kelakar.  First, because memang totally salah - we got engaged back then somewhere in FEB (I pun tak ingat dah exact date).  Second, who'd still celebrate engagement date when you're already married?  Adoii..

But when I told him ''it's women's day'' terus dia sambung tengok tv, tak cakap apa-apa and totally ignored me :p

Btw, lega dapat landing kepala after another restless day.  *I need to wake up in a few hours to head back to Terengganu after this, so good night :)

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