I've been thinking about this dah lama. Dari zaman bujang-bujang dulu lagi. Eheh.
Masa zaman tu yang kecoh pasal Mawi Ekin dan ex-tunang Mawi. Bukanlah aku fikirkan pasal mereka ni cumanya situasi mereka tu yang buat aku confused pasal jodoh.
Sebab orang kata janganlah salahkan Ekin, dah tak ada jodoh Mawi dengan ex-tunangnya. So the confusing part is: is it okay to break someone's heart using that reason? Tak ada jodoh? So you could just find someone more attractive and leave the one you're currently with?
Banyak lagi contoh terdekat but let's not list them all.
I think it's so wrong to use the jodoh reason to dumb the person you're with to be with someone else. Kau yang gatal tapi salahkan takdir?
But now I've found the answer (eheh macam eksperimen cinta pulak).
The thing is dalam Islam bercouple tu salah. So in the first place, you shouldn't date anybody. And if you don't date anybody you won't be breaking anyone's heart. You'll get married to your jodoh eventually without you having to dumb anyone before that.
Yup, that makes sense.
So to the 'players' out there, don't play the jodoh card anymore. If you believe in jodoh so much you won't be dating anyone before you're married.
sampai skrg tak dating hahaha
Xpe kak Kay..xyah dating2 sampai mase nnt terus kawen..eksklusif gitu ����
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