Wednesday, August 23, 2017

All We Need Is A Different Perspective

That day I cracked my head thinking on how to re-organize kitchen stuffs on the very limited space of my table top to add in the water filter. The never ending problem is always - the space.

The thing that consumes most of the space is the bulky dish-dryer. At first I was thinking about moving it to the so-called working table which is on the other side of the kitchen but then, it wouldn't be practical not to place it next to the dish-washing sink, right?

Finally I decided to just change the angle of the dryer to make room for the water filter. And after that, not only the space problem has been  solved, but also the dishes loading problem I had since forever. I am now able to arrange the dishes without having to step on a stool anymore. Plus the pulling of blind string became easier because all these while the dish-dryer was in the way.

I actually solved three problems just by changing the angle of the dish-dryer.


In a way, I am relating this in life's everyday challenge - sometimes we don't have to remove things. Or even move things away. Some changes don't have to be big or drastic to make an impact. 

A little change of perspective might do the trick.

The problem with us is - sometimes we get too comfortable with our everyday routine, and even tolerated discomfort because we get so used to it. We don't want to consider about any adjustment, because change seems scary.  We thought we have to change the whole thing, the big things and start over when what we actually need is just a little twist of perspective.

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