I’ve found this journal of mine in the cat’s room. Okay, it's actually a storage room, but the kucings sleep in there, too 😂
So, the journal was dated somewhere in between 2007 and a bit of 2008. Zaman bujang, masa mula-mula merantau ke JB dulu, duduk rumah bujang - menempuhi alam pekerjaan dan alam dewasa. Gitu..
Reading it back giving me such a mixed feelings! It’s like opening doors that I do not wish to open anymore haha. Some of it reminded me of those who had hurt me in the past. Haishh, I think I really shouldn't have read it. Visiting the past that I've already forgotten is so not healthy. Haishh lagi. But, come to think of that, I am no longer the same person that I was in 2007, so I bet those people must have changed, too.
Masa ni actually dah start blogging, tapi on a different blog account. Zaman tu internet was not on-the-go, kerja macam orang gila, kat office tak sempat dan ditambah dengan faktor jujur, maka tak ada curi-curi blogging punya (haha, yeke?), hence, the journal.
Aku tak sure mane aku jumpa puisi ni, gigh kan, siap salin haa.. So tepeklah kat sini sikit. Lain-lain page tak boleh nak share, a little too personal eheh.
I don't think my handwriting looks like this anymore |