Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Berry Story

I told him when we were strolling out of Aeon that day, that I was out of cranberries stock.

No you’re not, he answered confidently.

I repeated my statement, firmly, told him I ate them all in the office when he assumed that I must’ve thrown them away.

Back at home, he found a pack of blueberries inside the refrigerator, showed them to me and told me I was lying about finishing the berries.

I laughed instantly. I said “Cranberries, not blueberries

So yeah, communication is key.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

What The Boss Said

My ex-boss once told me that I underestimated myself. Well, you know what, boss, that’s not news eheh. I’ve been living my whole life doing that, I guess. I wish I could change that part of me, but again and again I’m back at that place where I doubt myself, look down on me and underestimate myself. I know, I’m actually my biggest bully.. sobs.

I consider myself a ‘damaged soul’, which according to my husband, it would take a developed-country-psychiatric to figure me out. And as twisted as my mind can be, I do take that as a compliment, haha. But anyways, I think bits by bits I’m trying to recover. Sometimes I managed, sometimes I didn’t. But all in all, I grew, I guess.