i know this is not the most recent one..but just couldnt help myself from writing about it..the real reason is because - when i first heard about that, all i can think is that how i had boasted about my hubby's kampung yg mcm2 ada in my blog (which also included the stadium negeri), then not too long after that, the roof collapsed..
wat malu jek, kan.....huhu..
Friday, June 19, 2009
..My Ubat Demam..
since mlm td bdn dh rase lain mcm..tekak dh start sakit2..
pagi td dh makin teruk, dh mule rase seram sejuk..kaki n pinggang dh sakit2..tp memandangkan my partner skg tgh MC sbb lum fully recover from denggi, then terpaksela sy gagahkan diri ke ofis jugak..klu x nnti, sape plak nk siapkan keje2 melambak tuh..
seharian kt ofis melawan ketaklaratan, sapai umah dlm kul 730 terus sy landing atas katil..satu bdn rase seram sejuk, mule la sy pk bkn2..denggi la, H1N1 la..tah pape..
mule2 igtkn my hubby xnk layan, dh sedih dh..mule la trigt kt mak abah..lepas my hubby siap solat maghrib, die pon tlg lap2 bdn ngn towel basah, bg mkn ubat, urut2, then letak towel basah kat kepala, selimutkan and even ikat kan rambut...
and surprisingly amazing, less than one hour lepas berselimut, badan sy dh berpeluh...and now i'm fit enough to blog..ahaha...
To me, that's the most ubat demam yg mujarab...
sy teringt dulu mase nk SPM, just a few days before SPM, sy demam..sy call umah mase tuh, tp nk dijadikan cerite, tepon umah sy mase tuh rosak..sy call la nenek sy bgtau demam (manje betul la, huhu)..makin terukla demam sbb xdpt ckp ngn mak..
and then, klu xsilap sy, esoknye kat surau mase tuh, tgh tunggu nk solat isyak, sy diberitahu yg sy ade visitor. terus kebah demam sy bile tgk famili sy dtg all the way from Kemaman.
mak abah bawak gklinik, n mkn sup pastu..n mlm tuh mmg demam sy terus ilang.
dulu pon mase studi kat usm, klu demam, sy cal mak..just to hear her voice, which is the best medicine to me.
love heals all pain :)
pagi td dh makin teruk, dh mule rase seram sejuk..kaki n pinggang dh sakit2..tp memandangkan my partner skg tgh MC sbb lum fully recover from denggi, then terpaksela sy gagahkan diri ke ofis jugak..klu x nnti, sape plak nk siapkan keje2 melambak tuh..
seharian kt ofis melawan ketaklaratan, sapai umah dlm kul 730 terus sy landing atas katil..satu bdn rase seram sejuk, mule la sy pk bkn2..denggi la, H1N1 la..tah pape..
mule2 igtkn my hubby xnk layan, dh sedih dh..mule la trigt kt mak abah..lepas my hubby siap solat maghrib, die pon tlg lap2 bdn ngn towel basah, bg mkn ubat, urut2, then letak towel basah kat kepala, selimutkan and even ikat kan rambut...
and surprisingly amazing, less than one hour lepas berselimut, badan sy dh berpeluh...and now i'm fit enough to blog..ahaha...
To me, that's the most ubat demam yg mujarab...
sy teringt dulu mase nk SPM, just a few days before SPM, sy demam..sy call umah mase tuh, tp nk dijadikan cerite, tepon umah sy mase tuh rosak..sy call la nenek sy bgtau demam (manje betul la, huhu)..makin terukla demam sbb xdpt ckp ngn mak..
and then, klu xsilap sy, esoknye kat surau mase tuh, tgh tunggu nk solat isyak, sy diberitahu yg sy ade visitor. terus kebah demam sy bile tgk famili sy dtg all the way from Kemaman.
mak abah bawak gklinik, n mkn sup pastu..n mlm tuh mmg demam sy terus ilang.
dulu pon mase studi kat usm, klu demam, sy cal mak..just to hear her voice, which is the best medicine to me.
love heals all pain :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Dear hubby,
Today is our first aniversary.
We've been thro' a lot of things this past year.
Thanks for always being there, listening to my silly n trivial stuffs everyday, for ur understanding and trust, for accepting me as who I am (despite all the flawssss), not to forget ur forgiveness everytime i'm being stubborn n lazy n ridiculous n difficult (err...i should not mention the rest, i guess)..
and yes, thanks for your unconditional love. for everything.
I love you :)
Today is our first aniversary.
We've been thro' a lot of things this past year.
Thanks for always being there, listening to my silly n trivial stuffs everyday, for ur understanding and trust, for accepting me as who I am (despite all the flawssss), not to forget ur forgiveness everytime i'm being stubborn n lazy n ridiculous n difficult (err...i should not mention the rest, i guess)..
and yes, thanks for your unconditional love. for everything.
I love you :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
..our KL trip..
act, this was also another entri tertunda...sapai dh rase too lazy to write about this, but on a second thought, i should, for memory's sake...
jadi perjalanan ke KL diteruskan..sapai kat Ikea dlm kul 230 camtu...siap2 shopping brg2 rumah, kelaparan la plak..misi: cari tmpat mkn yg xde kat JB...ahahah..

setelah lame berbincang, my hubby n me finally got to go to KL (to ikea, to be more specific) on 9th may. seperti biase, plan nk bertolak awal gagal..huhu..konon2 nk bertolak ke KL pas subuh, tp kul 9lebih baru betolak..
sempat jugak menyinggah ke melake..nk 'bergambar' ngn Eye On Malaysia..huhu..ari yg kitorg g tutup die x bukak sb tgh wat maintanence..
jadi perjalanan ke KL diteruskan..sapai kat Ikea dlm kul 230 camtu...siap2 shopping brg2 rumah, kelaparan la plak..misi: cari tmpat mkn yg xde kat JB...ahahah..
kitorg pon round2 kt The Curve tuh n decided to makan here...

here's what we had there...En. Hubby with the Kari Antu set and me with Char Kuew Teow. The CKT xjadi mcm yg penang nye
r, tp still sedap to me :)

Mlmnyer, we had dinner at Jln Doraisamy. Ni gare2 terpengaruh ngn rancangan "Warung Kita", sy teringin sgt nk rase sup nyer..
Here's what we had, sup tulang + roti n rojak antarabangsa...sup sgt sedap walaupon mase mkn tuh, asek terpk betape unhealthy nyer sup nih..xkesahla, sekale-sekale kan..rojak plak, hmm, since it's antarabangsa, ade mcm2 dlm tuh..rase sotong tuh mcm xkena sket la..btw, still enjoyed that..

besoknyer, having breakfast here:
to be honest, sy x rase ns lemak die as sgt special...act, my x-housemae did 'warn' me about the taste, tp since Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa ni slalu disebut2, mestila teringin nk rase..tp okla, bolehla..En Hubby voted for nasi lemak berlauk kat senibong over this.hehe.
after tat kitorg g KL Tower and Sunway Pyramid before balik JB..
btw, misi jalan2 cari tmpat mkn yg xde kat JB accomplished. ehehehe..
malas dh nk upload gaba.dh kul 12mlm..nk tdo..gudnite..
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