just arrived JB at 9pm.
paip air + tangki umah problem..
what a bad start..
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Trilogy of Balik Kampung [Part II - The Journey]
we were punctual this time. hit the road at 10 pm as planned.
En hubby's turn to drive first. i fall asleep at 11++ and woke up at 12 when we arrived mersing. my cousin called - rupa-rupanya dia pun balik malam ni, pukul 10 jugak. dia call cakap dia kat mersing, berhenti dekat masjid nak pegi toilet. 2, 3 minit lepas tu saya ternampak la 2 orang (she and her fiance) bersidaian <-- dalam erti kata lain meregang-regangkan otot tepi jalan. what a coincidence!
En hubby's turn to drive first. i fall asleep at 11++ and woke up at 12 when we arrived mersing. my cousin called - rupa-rupanya dia pun balik malam ni, pukul 10 jugak. dia call cakap dia kat mersing, berhenti dekat masjid nak pegi toilet. 2, 3 minit lepas tu saya ternampak la 2 orang (she and her fiance) bersidaian <-- dalam erti kata lain meregang-regangkan otot tepi jalan. what a coincidence!
dalam pukul 130 camtu, En Hubby tanya "tak ngantuk ke?" as a hint for me to take over. sebagai co-pilot yang sentiasa (yeke?) bersedia, saya mengambil alih pemanduan ditemani lagu-lagu keane. our rule is : whoever's driving got to choose what to listen on radio.
nak masuk pekan, hujan pulak. saya yang rabun/silau ni memang bermasalah sikit kalau drive malam kat jalan yang takde lampu jalan. saya akan mengalami masalah silau dan tak nampak apa-apa bila bertembung dengan kenderaan dari arah bertentangan. my tips untuk orang yang bermasalah macam saya, stick to the line jalan tengah and left side. as long as you're within the line, then you should be fine.
lagi satu problem - ada lori gas pulak kat depan. bersusun-susun kereta belakang dia. macam mana nak overtake kalau silau and tak dapat agak jarak kenderaan on opposite lane? tapi takkan nak stay belakang lori, nanti sahur pun tak sampai rumah lagi. tak boleh jadi ni.. bila ada kereta lain dari belakang overtake, saya pon follow. tapi ni nasihat yang tak baik kot.
dah berjaya melepasi halangan pertama. masuk pekan, hujan makin lebat sampai tak nampak apa-apa. rasa macam nak tambah kelajuan wiper. since it is not wise to berhenti tepi jalan, i just kept going. pakai lampu tinggi sangat tidak membantu sebab tak akan nampak jalan langsung, hanya nampak ttitisan hujan yang menjunam ke cermin kereta. keadaan jalan yang masih under construction walaupun dah bertahun-tahun sangatlah tidak membantu.
oh ya, masa kat road-block (tak ingat kat mana), pak polisi boleh tanya pasal kerepek yang memenuhi seat belakang. "nak meniaga ke?" tanya pak polisi. haha.
at last nampak sign board "SUSUR KELUAR KE KUANTAN". tak dapat digambarkan betapa leganya perasaan saya bila dah masuk jalan yang ada lampu jalan. the journey went smooth afterwards.
330. tiba di kemaman. yabedabedu.

i'm home :)
p/s : inilah catatan anak perantau terenganu di johor yang nak balik kampung. kami nak highway (so that bila ada highway nanti kami boleh complain pasal tol pulak <-- speaking of the ungratefulness)
p/s : inilah catatan anak perantau terenganu di johor yang nak balik kampung. kami nak highway (so that bila ada highway nanti kami boleh complain pasal tol pulak <-- speaking of the ungratefulness)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Trilogy of Balik Kampung [Part I - The Preparation]
preparation nak balik kampung which has started since tuesday:

3 - barang-barang BIL (sebab dia balik kampung naik motor, jadi barang-barangnya kami tolong bawa balik) 3 bags---> checked

1 - Raya stuff (baju kurung, tudung,baju melayu, carpet untuk ibu mertuaku..etc) 1 bag, 1 plastic bag ---> checked
2 - Non-Raya stuff 2 bags ---> checked

3 - barang-barang BIL (sebab dia balik kampung naik motor, jadi barang-barangnya kami tolong bawa balik) 3 bags---> checked
4 - kasut raya (En Hubby over tahun ni sampai 3 pasang kasut included 1 pair which he didnt purposely buy sebab tertinggal kasut masa pegi outstation that day) ---> checked.

5 - toiletries, skincare, etc ---> checked

6 - kuih raya (buat sendiri, nak jugak mention walaupun cuma 2 jenis saje yang sempat dibuat) ---> checked

6 - kuih raya (buat sendiri, nak jugak mention walaupun cuma 2 jenis saje yang sempat dibuat) ---> checked
7 - kerepek ---> checked

8 - not to forget, the laundry ---> checked

9 - trash ---> checked.
10 - check semua pintu / tingkap ---> checked.
11 - bagi ikan makan ---> checked.
rasanya semua dah settle. so, we're good to go back now. we'll be heading east coast in a while.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
taylor swift vs kanye west @ VMA
read the headline on yahoo page 2, 3 days ago at office. thought of finding it on you tube at home later, but only get the chance today.
check this out [0:44]:
kesian tengok taylor swift. ntah apa-apa la si kanye west tu.
and beyonce - isnt she sweet?
saya tak minat pun mereka-mereka ini, tapi kelakar kan?
read on for more details [copied and pasted]:
Kanye West ruins Taylor Swift's MTV VMA victory
Finally, Taylor Swift won her first-ever MTV Video Music Award and she had her triumph literally snatched from her hands by Kanye West.
When Taylor won best female video, she told MTV viewers, "I alwaysI dreamed about winning this someday, but I never thought it would happen. I sing country music." Then Kanye West ripped the microphone from her grasp and gave an outraged shout-out to one losing nominee.
"Taylor, I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!"
Cameras cut to Beyonce, who sat in the audience with jaw dropped in disbelief. Meantime, Taylor was literally speechless as Kanye gave her the microphone back and marched off stage. The audience booed. Feeling the awkwardness of the lingering moment, MTV VMA producers cut to a taped video clip of "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan and rapper Eminem while Taylor tried to continue her acceptance speech — but couldn't be heard. Her mike was cut off. Giving up, she strolled off stage.
Later, when Beyonce won best video of the year, she said, "This is amazing. I remember being 17 years old, up for my first MTV award with Destiny’s Child and it was one of the most exciting moments of my life, so I would like for Taylor to come out and have her moment."
Taylor returned to the stage and said, smiling graciously, "Maybe we can try this again," said, thanking "all of my fans on Twitter and MySpace and everyone who came out to my shows this summer."
check this out [0:44]:
kesian tengok taylor swift. ntah apa-apa la si kanye west tu.
and beyonce - isnt she sweet?
saya tak minat pun mereka-mereka ini, tapi kelakar kan?
read on for more details [copied and pasted]:
Kanye West ruins Taylor Swift's MTV VMA victory
Finally, Taylor Swift won her first-ever MTV Video Music Award and she had her triumph literally snatched from her hands by Kanye West.
When Taylor won best female video, she told MTV viewers, "I alwaysI dreamed about winning this someday, but I never thought it would happen. I sing country music." Then Kanye West ripped the microphone from her grasp and gave an outraged shout-out to one losing nominee.
"Taylor, I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!"
Cameras cut to Beyonce, who sat in the audience with jaw dropped in disbelief. Meantime, Taylor was literally speechless as Kanye gave her the microphone back and marched off stage. The audience booed. Feeling the awkwardness of the lingering moment, MTV VMA producers cut to a taped video clip of "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan and rapper Eminem while Taylor tried to continue her acceptance speech — but couldn't be heard. Her mike was cut off. Giving up, she strolled off stage.
Later, when Beyonce won best video of the year, she said, "This is amazing. I remember being 17 years old, up for my first MTV award with Destiny’s Child and it was one of the most exciting moments of my life, so I would like for Taylor to come out and have her moment."
Taylor returned to the stage and said, smiling graciously, "Maybe we can try this again," said, thanking "all of my fans on Twitter and MySpace and everyone who came out to my shows this summer."
Sunday, September 6, 2009
..How to feel 100% happier in 10 days..
sounds like Kate Hudson as Miss How-To in "How To Lose A Guy In 10 days?"..haha, kind of-lah..
what am i doing still up at 230 am? arggh, i guess it's the caffeine effect kot. bile dh keja ni, suddenly drinking coffee affected my sleep plak..dulu mase study, minumla bape mug nescaffe pon, i could still fall asleep right after that.
tula td gatal sgt pi GJ, kan dh terkebil2 xleh tdo, hence the 3 entries in a row...
Here's something to share - "How to feel 100% happier in 10 days". (Actually taken this from Women's Weekly 100th issue)
Day 1 - Wake Up Happy
Day 2 - Steal some time
Day 3 - Believe in yourself
Day 4 - Do as you please
Day 5 - Do something meaningful
Day 6 - Look back
Day 7 - Spread a little love
Day 8 - Become a pleasure seeker
Day 9 - Turn dreams into reality <--haha, yg ni mcm susah jek?
Day 10 - Celebrate your strengths
so come on, let us be 100% happier in 10 days, shall we?
eh, bile belek2 majalah rase ngntuk plak..huhu..i guess i need to sleep now so tomorrow can wake up happy..
what am i doing still up at 230 am? arggh, i guess it's the caffeine effect kot. bile dh keja ni, suddenly drinking coffee affected my sleep plak..dulu mase study, minumla bape mug nescaffe pon, i could still fall asleep right after that.
tula td gatal sgt pi GJ, kan dh terkebil2 xleh tdo, hence the 3 entries in a row...
Here's something to share - "How to feel 100% happier in 10 days". (Actually taken this from Women's Weekly 100th issue)
Day 1 - Wake Up Happy
Day 2 - Steal some time
Day 3 - Believe in yourself
Day 4 - Do as you please
Day 5 - Do something meaningful
Day 6 - Look back
Day 7 - Spread a little love
Day 8 - Become a pleasure seeker
Day 9 - Turn dreams into reality <--haha, yg ni mcm susah jek?
Day 10 - Celebrate your strengths
so come on, let us be 100% happier in 10 days, shall we?
eh, bile belek2 majalah rase ngntuk plak..huhu..i guess i need to sleep now so tomorrow can wake up happy..
all these while i thought it's ashlee simpson, rupe-rupenyer Natasha Beddingfield..
really couldnt differentiate them both.
but, anyway, these are beautiful words (no wonder it takes 5 person to write this huh)..it's on shampoo commercial ad - either sunsilk or pantene ek?
really couldnt differentiate them both.
but, anyway, these are beautiful words (no wonder it takes 5 person to write this huh)..it's on shampoo commercial ad - either sunsilk or pantene ek?
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, yeah, yeah
p/s : hmm..klu la abah sy bace blog sy nih mesti die menggeleng2 kan kepala tgk byk entri pasal lagu and penyanyi2...
..x paham..
i really dont understand what is with this lady who sings in a bikini?
can't she put on more clothes instead of flashing too much skin??
cant help myself but feeling damn annoyed everytime seeing or hearing her..
how come people buy this kind of stuff ek?
can't she put on more clothes instead of flashing too much skin??
seems like this lady gugu gaga is everywhere now...
cant help myself but feeling damn annoyed everytime seeing or hearing her..
how come people buy this kind of stuff ek?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
..kisah sahur..
skg nk bgn sahur bkn main liat...
hmm..those were the days...
teringt sy waktu bujang2 dulu, time berkumpul adek-beradek bile masing-masing balik kg bercuti.
salu bile dh berkumpul, aktiviti mlm2 ialah tgk tv sampai tertido2 dpn tv.
ade satu thn tu sy baik sket..bile terjage dpn tv (selalunye kul 4 lebih) tu sy akn masak air n panaskan lauk2 tuk sahur. sebelum2 tu, bgn2 je mknn dh siap terhidang, tinggal nk mkn jek.
waktu sahur kt umah mmg lewat, dekat2 ngn imsak, spt yg disunatkan.. :)
satu ari, mcm besa, sy mesti champion jd 1st person yg tertdo dpn tv. tgh2 sedap tdo, adek2 sy kejutkan tuk sahur. tgk jam dh kul 430pg. sy pon pegi dapur masak air, n start nk panaskan lauk.
pastu terdgr bdk2 tu gelak2...
then si biri2 tnye "along watpe tuh?ngigau ke"
"nk sahurla"
"awalnye, bru kul 12"
sy pon g tgk balik jam...cesss, bdk2 ni g cepatkn jam nk kenakan sy. rupenye baru setgh jam sy tdo..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
..welcome back, appetite..
rupenyer dh ari ke-11 pose. sekejap jek mase berlalu.
thn ni pecah rekod - baru sekali pegi bazar ramadhan.
i lost my appetite since day 1 of ramadhan. basically, maybe because of the fever i had. i remember staying glued at asian food channel the whole day but none of the glorious food turn me on. huhu. Hubby bought food from bazar but i ended up just nibbling at the food during break-fasting, couldnt get mysef to swallow a bit.
and then i found out that i can only eat my own-cooked meal. weird, because i'm totally not a good cook. xtaula ape jenih penyakit tuh but it made me had to cook everyday.
that went on - until today!!suddenly i craved for mcd, burger king and even dunkin donut for berbuke..
i guess it's back..hehe.
oh, just in case if anyone wonders, no - i'm not preggie..yet.
thn ni pecah rekod - baru sekali pegi bazar ramadhan.
i lost my appetite since day 1 of ramadhan. basically, maybe because of the fever i had. i remember staying glued at asian food channel the whole day but none of the glorious food turn me on. huhu. Hubby bought food from bazar but i ended up just nibbling at the food during break-fasting, couldnt get mysef to swallow a bit.
and then i found out that i can only eat my own-cooked meal. weird, because i'm totally not a good cook. xtaula ape jenih penyakit tuh but it made me had to cook everyday.
that went on - until today!!suddenly i craved for mcd, burger king and even dunkin donut for berbuke..
i guess it's back..hehe.
oh, just in case if anyone wonders, no - i'm not preggie..yet.
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