i'm on leave today yippee...
Actually Mr Hubby ada interview pagi tadi so alang kepalang i ikut sekali la. haha.
after interview had lunch at Bangsar Village then off to genting.
but as of today, most of the outdoor game are closed. waaa hujan kat atas ni, kesian Mr hubby yang nak sangat main roller-coaster tu.
hopefully besok dah boleh main.
*konon-konon pergi pre-honeymoon (asyik pre-honeymoon je, bila nak real honeymoon ni) tapi dok terperap je kat bilik ni ha menghadap laptop. Mr Hubby pulak ketiduran dah..
continue later with piccies :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
..weekend getaway..
Written by
5:27:00 PM
episod bersiri,
Hubby and Me,
jalan-jalan cari makan
Thursday, October 29, 2009
..Edisi Mari Berangan..
bosan jadi pemakan gaji ni. alangkah bestnya kalau ditakdirkan satu hari nanti dapat jadi bos. bukan bos as in manager yang makan gaji tu, tapi bos yang own a company.
since dah agak banyak makan asam garam menjadi pekerja bawahan ni, i guess if i'm the boss i must've known all the lame excuses/tactics my employee would probably give.
let me list down a few things yang saya akan buat untuk situasi2 di bawah ni:
1. Gate Pass
- ada sesetengah employee menyalahgunakan gate pass ni konon-konon nak pergi bank la, pergi EPF la padahal pergi interview (eh, macam pernah buat je?)
Jadi saya nak employee saya attachkan apa-apa bukti yang diorang ni betul-betul pergi bank ke epf ke ambik adik kat airport ke etc etc. tapi macam ni pun boleh tipu lagi ni. katalah diorang cakap nak pergi bank, diorang leh je gi bank ambik no tunggu giliran tu untuk di attachkan jadi saya nak detail lagi. kalau diorang kata nak buat personal loan, sila photostat application form tu. dan kalau boleh, sila ambil gambar sebagai bukti anda berada di bank pada waktu tu. kuang kuang kuang..gila punya employer..
2. Pasport expenses
-Katalah saya kena hantar employee saya untuk business trip ke oversea and employee saya yang takde pasport ni insist nak company bayarkan passport expense tu.
Ok, takde hal, but I will have to make a deal - employee ni kena kerja dengan saya sampai habis passport tu and once a month passportnya akan direview. kalau dia didapati pergi melancong / makan angin ke oversea, haha silalah bayar balik duit passport tu. amboi banyak cantik, nak buat passport untuk business trip nak company bayarkan, pastu ko pergi melancong2 pulak ek? (belum jadi bos dah poyo macam ni)
3. Internet usage
- Penggunaan internet akan dimonitor. Tiap-tiap bulan kita akan display individual's internet usage. Sapa paling banyak tengok Facebook la, YouTube la..And siaplah siapa-siapa yang bukak Jobstreet. Nak sangat cari kerja lain kan..Sila lah cari kerja lain secara rasmi nya.
wakakak. ada ke orang nak kerja ngan company saya kalau macam ni?
p/s : I was not referring to any Labor Law / Act masa menulis ni, just random thoughts.
since dah agak banyak makan asam garam menjadi pekerja bawahan ni, i guess if i'm the boss i must've known all the lame excuses/tactics my employee would probably give.
let me list down a few things yang saya akan buat untuk situasi2 di bawah ni:
1. Gate Pass
- ada sesetengah employee menyalahgunakan gate pass ni konon-konon nak pergi bank la, pergi EPF la padahal pergi interview (eh, macam pernah buat je?)
Jadi saya nak employee saya attachkan apa-apa bukti yang diorang ni betul-betul pergi bank ke epf ke ambik adik kat airport ke etc etc. tapi macam ni pun boleh tipu lagi ni. katalah diorang cakap nak pergi bank, diorang leh je gi bank ambik no tunggu giliran tu untuk di attachkan jadi saya nak detail lagi. kalau diorang kata nak buat personal loan, sila photostat application form tu. dan kalau boleh, sila ambil gambar sebagai bukti anda berada di bank pada waktu tu. kuang kuang kuang..gila punya employer..
2. Pasport expenses
-Katalah saya kena hantar employee saya untuk business trip ke oversea and employee saya yang takde pasport ni insist nak company bayarkan passport expense tu.
Ok, takde hal, but I will have to make a deal - employee ni kena kerja dengan saya sampai habis passport tu and once a month passportnya akan direview. kalau dia didapati pergi melancong / makan angin ke oversea, haha silalah bayar balik duit passport tu. amboi banyak cantik, nak buat passport untuk business trip nak company bayarkan, pastu ko pergi melancong2 pulak ek? (belum jadi bos dah poyo macam ni)
3. Internet usage
- Penggunaan internet akan dimonitor. Tiap-tiap bulan kita akan display individual's internet usage. Sapa paling banyak tengok Facebook la, YouTube la..And siaplah siapa-siapa yang bukak Jobstreet. Nak sangat cari kerja lain kan..Sila lah cari kerja lain secara rasmi nya.
wakakak. ada ke orang nak kerja ngan company saya kalau macam ni?
p/s : I was not referring to any Labor Law / Act masa menulis ni, just random thoughts.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
..reason why men shouldnt be in kitchen..
yesterday i got sick and couldnt do the weekend house chores as usual.
so Mr Hubby helped with the laundry, dishes, and even cleaning up the kitchen. seriously, the kitchen looked super-clean, like never before. i have to admit that he's way much better in tidying *malu i..
But then, (yes, there is a but) i noticed something -- frying pan punya holder sudah tercabut.. hehe, tak pe, ada alasan nak mintak Mr hubby belikan frying pan idamanku.
then hari ni pulak - masa i sibuk2 masak and sibuk2 nak buat air laici, terpaksa minta tolong Mr Hubby (manja betulla) bukakan tin laici tu, and guess what? can opener tu boleh patah.haha.
bila dah terjadi kerosakan kedua, i 'terpaksa' lah membebel. Mr Hubby jawab kekuatan dia tak sesuai untuk buat kerja-kerja dapur. adehla, nak tergolek i gelak dengar jawapan dia.
logik kah ini? haha.
so Mr Hubby helped with the laundry, dishes, and even cleaning up the kitchen. seriously, the kitchen looked super-clean, like never before. i have to admit that he's way much better in tidying *malu i..
But then, (yes, there is a but) i noticed something -- frying pan punya holder sudah tercabut.. hehe, tak pe, ada alasan nak mintak Mr hubby belikan frying pan idamanku.
then hari ni pulak - masa i sibuk2 masak and sibuk2 nak buat air laici, terpaksa minta tolong Mr Hubby (manja betulla) bukakan tin laici tu, and guess what? can opener tu boleh patah.haha.
bila dah terjadi kerosakan kedua, i 'terpaksa' lah membebel. Mr Hubby jawab kekuatan dia tak sesuai untuk buat kerja-kerja dapur. adehla, nak tergolek i gelak dengar jawapan dia.
logik kah ini? haha.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
CAUTION : This entry contain anger and repeating of word 'stupid'
actually this happened quite some time ago. tapi disebabkan baru-baru ni seseorang ni telah 'declare war' dengan saya - suddenly everything this person did that hurt me back then datang and rewind themselves dalam kepala saya.
(i'm pretty bad at forgiving and forgetting.. *sigh)
i remembered last year i started to buy self-help / motivation books (selama ni pinjam orang / library je). i sedar diri i ni gila low self-esteem and i find reading those helping and soothing my inner crisis what-so-ever.
then one day, this person belek-belek my collection (yang tak berapa nak banyak tu) and said " Ada jugak orang tulis buku macam ni and ada pulak yang beli" sambil belek-belek buku tu dengan muka macam 'eeii, baca buku macam ni?'
i was like - WHAT??!! seriously terkedu sekejap. of course dia tau yang i did buy that book.
perlu ke hina orang baca buku macam ni? geram gila - macam ni punya orang pun ade ke??!!
being disrespectful is one thing, being INSENSITIVE is another.
although you might consider yourself as a person who doesnt need self-help book, but still, i pity you.
and i don't adore you and your life AT ALL.
and i'm so glad that we're not talking anymore now.
so relieved that i dont have to put up with your insensitivity anymore.
actually this happened quite some time ago. tapi disebabkan baru-baru ni seseorang ni telah 'declare war' dengan saya - suddenly everything this person did that hurt me back then datang and rewind themselves dalam kepala saya.
(i'm pretty bad at forgiving and forgetting.. *sigh)
i remembered last year i started to buy self-help / motivation books (selama ni pinjam orang / library je). i sedar diri i ni gila low self-esteem and i find reading those helping and soothing my inner crisis what-so-ever.
then one day, this person belek-belek my collection (yang tak berapa nak banyak tu) and said " Ada jugak orang tulis buku macam ni and ada pulak yang beli" sambil belek-belek buku tu dengan muka macam 'eeii, baca buku macam ni?'
i was like - WHAT??!! seriously terkedu sekejap. of course dia tau yang i did buy that book.
perlu ke hina orang baca buku macam ni? geram gila - macam ni punya orang pun ade ke??!!
being disrespectful is one thing, being INSENSITIVE is another.
although you might consider yourself as a person who doesnt need self-help book, but still, i pity you.
and i don't adore you and your life AT ALL.
and i'm so glad that we're not talking anymore now.
so relieved that i dont have to put up with your insensitivity anymore.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
..the thing we did less often these days..
actually, it's this:
this was taken on the way to lidia's open house last sunday.
not sure why nowadays dah kurang aksi begini. kalau dulu zaman bercinta bukan main asal keluar dating je mesti nak amik gambar dalam kereta macam ni.
agaknya sebab sekarang i dah jarang make-up kot. so bila tak make-up, malas nak capture wajah yang tidak fotogenik ini.
actually, it's this:
..our self-snap picture in car..

this was taken on the way to lidia's open house last sunday.
not sure why nowadays dah kurang aksi begini. kalau dulu zaman bercinta bukan main asal keluar dating je mesti nak amik gambar dalam kereta macam ni.
agaknya sebab sekarang i dah jarang make-up kot. so bila tak make-up, malas nak capture wajah yang tidak fotogenik ini.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
..can i alter your menu?..
hubby and i had dinner at Ani Sup Utara that day.
i ordered Kuew Teow Sup Perut (which is according to hubby - EXOTIC,haha) tapi menurut kata tukang-ambil-order "Tak boleh"
patah selera sekejap (sekejap jela). i cakap dulu pernah je order macam tu kat sini. and dia kata sekarang dah tak boleh.
they had fixed kuew teow/mee/mee hoon sup to only go with sup daging. sup perut only can be ordered with nasi putih.
then hubby cakap "Tak pelah, awak caj extra jela"
dengan muka masam mencuka, si tukang-ambil-order angguk.
time nak bayar, cuma si-tukang-punya-kedai je yang ada kat kaunter.
bila dia tengok bil - dia mengomel "Ish, ni susah ni"
Hubby pun repeat la statement di atas dengan sabar. jarang nak tengok dia sabar begini ;P
Dengan muka masam menjeruk dia caj extra rm1.80.
sungguh tak mesra pelanggan!!!
selera orang kan lain-lain, kenape nak paksa semua orang makan daging plak...orang nak bayar lebih pun masam jugak ker?
wakakak..emo plak.
i ordered Kuew Teow Sup Perut (which is according to hubby - EXOTIC,haha) tapi menurut kata tukang-ambil-order "Tak boleh"
patah selera sekejap (sekejap jela). i cakap dulu pernah je order macam tu kat sini. and dia kata sekarang dah tak boleh.
they had fixed kuew teow/mee/mee hoon sup to only go with sup daging. sup perut only can be ordered with nasi putih.
then hubby cakap "Tak pelah, awak caj extra jela"
dengan muka masam mencuka, si tukang-ambil-order angguk.
time nak bayar, cuma si-tukang-punya-kedai je yang ada kat kaunter.
bila dia tengok bil - dia mengomel "Ish, ni susah ni"
Hubby pun repeat la statement di atas dengan sabar. jarang nak tengok dia sabar begini ;P
Dengan muka masam menjeruk dia caj extra rm1.80.
sungguh tak mesra pelanggan!!!
selera orang kan lain-lain, kenape nak paksa semua orang makan daging plak...orang nak bayar lebih pun masam jugak ker?
wakakak..emo plak.
Written by
9:06:00 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
actually, dah lama saya terperasan akan ini.
do you know the nescafe ad, the one with maya karin goes "..kopi secara semulajadi adalah bahan anti-oksida.." something like that.
since she emphasized on the word "semulajadi", saya yang always tend to elaborate small details into some (im)posibble things terfikir - since nescafe has been processed and has been added with this and that during the process - does that make nescafe as kopi yang tidak semulajadi? so it's not anti-oxidant?
makes sense, no?
do you know the nescafe ad, the one with maya karin goes "..kopi secara semulajadi adalah bahan anti-oksida.." something like that.
since she emphasized on the word "semulajadi", saya yang always tend to elaborate small details into some (im)posibble things terfikir - since nescafe has been processed and has been added with this and that during the process - does that make nescafe as kopi yang tidak semulajadi? so it's not anti-oxidant?
makes sense, no?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
..Already gone..
currently i'm in a very cranky mood.
something happened but not gonna write about that. yet.
this song has nothing to do with it, but whateverla, music is a good remedy right?
new hits from kelly clarkson - ALREADY GONE.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even without fists held high, yeah
Never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, Oooo, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone...
yeay, dah pandai letak video you tube kat blog :)
something happened but not gonna write about that. yet.
this song has nothing to do with it, but whateverla, music is a good remedy right?
new hits from kelly clarkson - ALREADY GONE.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even without fists held high, yeah
Never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, Oooo, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone...
Script Video
yeay, dah pandai letak video you tube kat blog :)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
..the ugly truth..
just watched the movie.
my verdict : i'm not going to watch anythin with gerald butler anymore after this.
i've never liked him since p/s : i love you, but i cant resist katherine heigl. hehe. plus it's a romantic comedy story which i'm currently addicted to.
tapi yang tak bestnya, terbeli vcd yang subtitle english nya ntah apa-apa. yes i am so in need of the hearing impair. tapi kalau cerita light macam ni boleh paham lagi la. but i cant imagine watching Lord of The Ring without english substitle. confirm tak paham cerita. because i wont be able to distiguish between a word or a name (LOTR kan ada macam-macam nama yang pelik2). pathetic, i know i know. my listening skill is that poor - my listening point masa muet memang rendah sangat which sangat contributing to the band 4. bengang sangat sebab 6 point away je lagi nk dpt band 5. xleh ingat muka Mr Asokan (English lecturer) yang bersemangat nak tengok my muet result slip and terdiam bila tengok my result is band 4. i'm sorry i've let you down...huhu
ok, now back to The Ugly truth.
the plot was ordinary, battle of sexes kind of thing between female tv show producer, Abby and male host of a tv show, eh, tak ingat plak nama si gerald butler dalam cerita ni.
gaduh-gaduh, made a deal, gerald help abby getting her doctor-next-door, doctor fell for her, gerald secretly in love with her, just when gerald and abby are about to discover their true feelings towards each other - gerald left for another tv station.
the ending was predicted, they finally admit they fell in love with each other.blablabla.
my verdict : i'm not going to watch anythin with gerald butler anymore after this.
i've never liked him since p/s : i love you, but i cant resist katherine heigl. hehe. plus it's a romantic comedy story which i'm currently addicted to.
tapi yang tak bestnya, terbeli vcd yang subtitle english nya ntah apa-apa. yes i am so in need of the hearing impair. tapi kalau cerita light macam ni boleh paham lagi la. but i cant imagine watching Lord of The Ring without english substitle. confirm tak paham cerita. because i wont be able to distiguish between a word or a name (LOTR kan ada macam-macam nama yang pelik2). pathetic, i know i know. my listening skill is that poor - my listening point masa muet memang rendah sangat which sangat contributing to the band 4. bengang sangat sebab 6 point away je lagi nk dpt band 5. xleh ingat muka Mr Asokan (English lecturer) yang bersemangat nak tengok my muet result slip and terdiam bila tengok my result is band 4. i'm sorry i've let you down...huhu
ok, now back to The Ugly truth.
the plot was ordinary, battle of sexes kind of thing between female tv show producer, Abby and male host of a tv show, eh, tak ingat plak nama si gerald butler dalam cerita ni.
gaduh-gaduh, made a deal, gerald help abby getting her doctor-next-door, doctor fell for her, gerald secretly in love with her, just when gerald and abby are about to discover their true feelings towards each other - gerald left for another tv station.
the ending was predicted, they finally admit they fell in love with each other.blablabla.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
..this year's birthday present..
balik raya that day dapat birthday presents from my mom and sis.
so, 'tributing' this entry to them. besides experimenting with light and angle while taking the pics (ok, tipu..manela i tau pun pasal light and angle bagai - experimenting kunun, huh. *gelakkan diri sendiri)
1. i was in need for a new handbag and my mom just happened to have the instinct hehe. thanks mak, sayang mak :)
*background hijau/merah

2. and my sis, buyan, actually did take note wat i published in facebook few months ago (ala, yang Living Social's 5 things i want for my birthday) and telah sangat bermurah hati to give me the Elizabeth Arden's Pretty. isnt she sweet? thanks buyan, love u :)

*background hitam

3. since this year memang tak banyak dapat hadiah, (and to be frank wishes pun tak banyak) jadi letak lagi sekali my hubby's present walaupun dah buat entri pasal ni hari tu. kira macam summary la.
(tukar background merah pulak..ngee..;p)

p/s : anyway, i realised now that i'm getting nearer to that scary age (30++), birthday is not something to look forward to anymore. yes, scary..

p/s : anyway, i realised now that i'm getting nearer to that scary age (30++), birthday is not something to look forward to anymore. yes, scary..
Thursday, October 1, 2009
..what's up..
rasa macam dah lama tak berblog. nak tulis pasal hari raya hari tu, tapi mood tu belum sampai.
mungkin weekend ni kot sebab weekdays adalah stressful and tired sangat (konon!!).
tadi keluar kejap pergi makan. dalam kereta ada bau petrol yang kuat. lepas tu, saya rasa mood saya tak baik. rasa macam jantung ni berdegup (<---pelik rasa guna perkataan ni) kuat. saya pun bertanyalah pada En Hubby "kenapa rasa lain macam ni?rasa macam berdebar-debar. effect bau petrol tadi ker?" (well, that is typical me being paranoid). and En Hubby had the best answer "awak memang selalu macam tu" which shut me up instantly. and rasa berdebar-debar tu pun macam terus hilang. saiko sungguh.
oh, one more update. next week ingat nak buat open house. kawan-kawan, jemputlah ke pondok buruk kami next saturday ye?
rasa macam dah lama tak berblog. nak tulis pasal hari raya hari tu, tapi mood tu belum sampai.
mungkin weekend ni kot sebab weekdays adalah stressful and tired sangat (konon!!).
tadi keluar kejap pergi makan. dalam kereta ada bau petrol yang kuat. lepas tu, saya rasa mood saya tak baik. rasa macam jantung ni berdegup (<---pelik rasa guna perkataan ni) kuat. saya pun bertanyalah pada En Hubby "kenapa rasa lain macam ni?rasa macam berdebar-debar. effect bau petrol tadi ker?" (well, that is typical me being paranoid). and En Hubby had the best answer "awak memang selalu macam tu" which shut me up instantly. and rasa berdebar-debar tu pun macam terus hilang. saiko sungguh.
oh, one more update. next week ingat nak buat open house. kawan-kawan, jemputlah ke pondok buruk kami next saturday ye?
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