Thursday, October 22, 2009


CAUTION : This entry contain anger and repeating of word 'stupid'

actually this happened quite some time ago. tapi disebabkan baru-baru ni seseorang ni telah 'declare war' dengan saya - suddenly everything this person did that hurt me back then datang and rewind themselves dalam kepala saya.

(i'm pretty bad at forgiving and forgetting.. *sigh)

i remembered last year i started to buy self-help / motivation books (selama ni pinjam orang / library je). i sedar diri i ni gila low self-esteem and i find reading those helping and soothing my inner crisis what-so-ever.

then one day, this person belek-belek my collection (yang tak berapa nak banyak tu) and said " Ada jugak orang tulis buku macam ni and ada pulak yang beli" sambil belek-belek buku tu dengan muka macam 'eeii, baca buku macam ni?'

i was like - WHAT??!! seriously terkedu sekejap. of course dia tau yang i did buy that book.

perlu ke hina orang baca buku macam ni? geram gila - macam ni punya orang pun ade ke??!!

being disrespectful is one thing, being INSENSITIVE is another.

although you might consider yourself as a person who doesnt need self-help book, but still, i pity you.

and i don't adore you and your life AT ALL.

and i'm so glad that we're not talking anymore now.

so relieved that i dont have to put up with your insensitivity anymore.


anis-chan said...

oh aku mmg tak tahan kalo org suka bagi ayat2 berbaur penghinaan.

like this one instance, ada sorg (bukan org tua la) tu tiap2 kali jumpa asyik tanya aku tak paham ke bahasa trganu. like, so what, aku mmg bkn org trganu so naturally mmg la kurang phm kan. tak payah la nak demoralise aku.

nk je ckp meh sini aku nak tanya ko paham tak bahasa kedah. tiap2 kali ingat panasss je ati.

mygoldpen said...

yela, mmg xtahan aku kalau berada dgn org2 mcm tu..main cakap je macam kita ni xde perasaan.