Friday, January 8, 2010


finally watched both Twilight movies.

i prefer the first one. these are my favourite two ayat by Edward Culens:

1. "I feel very protective of you"
2. "I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore"
* how come vampires can melt human's heart ek..hehehe...
antara parts / scenes yang saya suka:
- all parts in slow-motion hehe (e.g :the entrance of Cullens siblings to cafe, the Cullens' family baseball game, etc..)
- part Bella yang berfikiran 'extra-ordinary' (e.g: when Edward tells her he can read people's mind except Bella's - then Bella asks is anything wrong with her)
- part bila Edward and his Cullens family being protective over Bella
- part Bella and her father (i think her father is sweet)

owh, i dah macam nak list downkan semua part dah ni so i must stop now.

And as for Twilight Moon, i kurang suka sebab Edward yang pergi meningalkan Bella. Then ada the ware-wolves yang asyik nak menunjukkan body ketul-ketul, ish tak suka.. Pastu pulak Bella macam jahat menggunakan Jacob the Ware-wolves tapi kesian jugak dengan dia sejak kene tinggal dengan Edward.

sebenarnya i yang suggested kat En Hubby beli 2 movies ni sebab dia macam indesicive nak tengok ape during our last visit to DVD store. sebab En Hubby memang gemar tengok cerita-cerita vampire ni.

tapi bila tengok dia kata boring banyak part percintaan and cakap saya sengaja persuaded him to buy Twilights ni sebab saya yang nak tengok sebenarnya..pulak dah..seriously, i didn't know it's a romantic fantasy film..kalau tau, dari dulu lagi i dah beli..hehehe..

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