Sebab dah tak sanggup nak tunggu tiap-tiap minggu kat 8TV, I pergi carik Volume II. And fortunately enough, Volume III dah keluar!
I dah tengok sampai habis. tapi memang banyak cerita tergantung - kenalah tunggu Season 7 pulak. Adehla. At some point, I do hope tak de next season dah. Sebab tak larat nak tunggu lama-lama. Tapi nanti kalau dah tak de season baru lagilah tak best. Nanti rindu pulak nak tengok those hillarious housewives.
Brief review:
1. Susan & Mike - have to move out from their house due to Mike is having critical financial problem. And guess who rented their house? Paul Young!!huhu. Hope to see Susan and Mike again next season. Kalau diorang dah takde, tak bestlah cause they're so my favourite.
I dah tengok sampai habis. tapi memang banyak cerita tergantung - kenalah tunggu Season 7 pulak. Adehla. At some point, I do hope tak de next season dah. Sebab tak larat nak tunggu lama-lama. Tapi nanti kalau dah tak de season baru lagilah tak best. Nanti rindu pulak nak tengok those hillarious housewives.
Brief review:
1. Susan & Mike - have to move out from their house due to Mike is having critical financial problem. And guess who rented their house? Paul Young!!huhu. Hope to see Susan and Mike again next season. Kalau diorang dah takde, tak bestlah cause they're so my favourite.
2. Bree - is about to tell Gaby the truth about her son, Andrew who did hit Carlos' mother masa season 1 kalau tak silap. Yang ni pun suspense jugak. Gaby mungkin tak kisah sangat kot sebab dia tak ngam dengan her MIL. Tapi Carlos maybe mengamuk kot.
3. Orson - left Bree when bree agree to hand over her business to Rex's son, Sam [rupanya Rex dah ada anak lain sebelum kahwin dengan Bree dulu and his son ada agenda jahat nk rampas bisnes Bree]. Si Sam tu blackmail Bree nak bagitau orang pasal Andrew langgar mak Carlos kalau Bree tak nak bagi bisnes dia.
4. Katherine recovered from her mental illness and after a while, left Wisteria Lane with Robin (the stripper that Susan helped), to figure out her sexual identity. Yang ni kelakar jugakla sebab tiba-tiba dia jatuh cinta kat Robin which makes her a lesbian? *Pulak dah...
5. Lynette selamat lahirkan baby dia kat rumah Eddie (the serial killer), siap si Eddie tu yang sambut baby tu. Lynette convinced Eddie to turn himself into police.
6. Angie and Nick Bolen - rupa-rupanya diorang ni bukanlah orang jahat. Angie ni dulu eco-activist, ter'involve' dengan eco-terrorist dan accidently caused someone's death. So dia ni lari dari FBI & also her ex-boyfriend (the terrorist) yang nak balas dendam sebab Angie bawak lari anak diorang (which is Danny).
wahhh....mcm tu ke citenyer...tp even dh tau still nk tgk jgk lg..hehe....
aah..walaupun dah tgk dvd still nk tgk gak kat 8tv..haha
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