Sunday, October 30, 2011


Huwaa...sedih jugak altho' I didn't really watch last night walaupun memang duduk depan TV *I found my newly-bought magazines were much more inviting than the game.

Tapi jeling jugaklah time Terengganu scored the first goal. Excited jugak but that time, it was too early to celebrate kan - baru minit ke-58 je. And bila N9 scored, makinlah malas nak tengok. Bila dengar second goal from N9, arggghh, frustrated.

Btw, hari ni baru terhegeh-hegeh nak tengok balik detik-detik gol tu, especially yang gol pertama N9 tu. Memang - "Haa?!"


Ada yang kutuk-kutuk Terengganu's goalkeeper kat Facebook, but I'm sure he did all his best. No one on his right mind would do that on purpose kot? *mari menyedapkan hati.

Kalah menang adat pertandingan.

However, one interesting info for me is that - the victory goal for N9 was contributed by Terengganu-born player - Hai-O, so, ok lah kan hahahha..

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