Thursday, April 19, 2018

Typical Streotype

I guess we all know how typical and streotype drama Melayu, especially drama bersiri can be. If you have to watch, all you need to watch is the first, maybe one episode in the middle and the final episode, you will have the idea of what the whole 30 episodes are really about. You won’t feel like you’re missing anything.

But, to be fair, it is actually the same thing with Hollywood movies, especially the rom-com movies. It is somehow predictable, too. Well, most of it.

Boy meets girl, fall in love, always for the similar reasons as below

  • If they finish each other’s sentence
  • If they share common taste in music or movies or food, etc etc
  • If they have the exact same idea of something
But that 3 streotypes are strictly about romantic comedy movies only. As for TV series, they are not so predictable. Although sometimes for action and thriller movies, they are pretty predictable, too.

On a quite different note, I’m currently watching Santa Clarita Diet. Adoii, as much as it’s disturbing, I can’t wait to find out what’ll happen next. Yes, it’s too bloody (literally), so I’ll avoid eating while watching. Hopefully there’ll be Season 3.

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