Tuesday, May 11, 2010

..movie movie movie..

1. Up In The Air

Sesapa minat George Clooney memang patut tengoklah. Kalau tak, rasa cerita ni macam biasa-biasa jek kot. Dalam cerita ni George Clooney plays Ryan Bingham who works as corporate downsizer. Kerja dia - pecat pekerja bagi pihak company yang tak berani pecat employee mereka sendiri. He spends most of his time in the air, travelling all around US to fire people. And he hates commitment.

Macam dah selalu kan tengok cerita pasal orang yang tak suka commitment, tapi last-last tersedar kepentingan famili dan orang-orang tersayang. Huh.

2. How to Train Your Dragon

Saya tertinggal part depan-depan (En Hubby watched it without me). But watching the balance half, I didnt feel like catching up the earlier parts. So I guess, it didnt really interest me.

3. Case 39

Movie ni dari awal sampai habis is full of suspense. I ada jugak baca movie ni punya review, tapi macam banyak negative comment. But I dont know, the horror works for me (of coursela kan. orang penakut mcm i tengok Scary Movie yg kelakar tu pun boleh takut haha).

Renee Zellweger plays Emily, a social worker who tried to help an abused kid, Lillith from her parents. Imagine - her parents tried to roast her in an oven masa dia tengah tidur. Sungguh disturbing scene itu.

Lepas Emily selamatkan Lillith daripada 'dipanggang' oleh parentsnya, dia bawak Lillith tinggal dengan dia.

Tapi rupa-rupanya Lillith tu is 'not really a kid'. Dia macam ada demon/devil dalam dia yang menyebabkan orang-orang keliling dia mati. Uish, seram. Dan lepas tu macam-macamlah kejadian pelik/menakutkan. Finally, Emily berjaya jugak get rid of the kid/devil.

Tak sure dah ada kat wayang ke belum, but, go watch it!


yatie chomeyl said...

interested plop nk tgk cito up in the air tu, biaso nyo movie yg goerge clooney berlakon best utkdi layan smbil make pop corn ;)

mygoldpen said...

kalau minat george clooney mmg kena tgk ni :)