Sabtu 26th june sampai kat kemaman lebih kurang pukul 10am. Parents saya tak ada kat rumah sebab attending a meeting in Kuala Terengganu. My sis came with her daughter then as planned weeks earlier - off we went to Kuantan for "Jalan-jalan Cari Makan" session.
Our initial plan was Cherating Steakhouse but unfortunately pukul 6pm baru bukak. Perut dah berkeroncong, maka tak boleh tunggu - go to Plan B - some steakhouse near Maxis Centre tapi unfortunate lagi, tak jumpa pulak Maxis Centre itu. Uwaaa.... So moved to Plan C - Noodle station kat East Coast Mall.
Tapi entah kenapa bila kat Noodle Station, tak jadi pulak nak makan western sebab dah tergoda dengan noodle options. Yelah, kata Noodle Station - jadi mestilah expertise in noodle kan.
These were what we ordered *I lost the receipt and totally forgot the food names - tulah sapa suruh kepam entri lama-lama :P

And the noodle turned out to be indah rupa dari rasa :( Maybe I should choose original sauce to go with the noodle instead of soup. Buyan and En Hubby punya Nasi Goreng *tak ingat nama boleh tahan sedap.
Buyan belanja - thanks a lot, sis :)
Nanti nak story pasal photoshoot kat Monica Bay pulak. Guess what's the beach original name.
Our initial plan was Cherating Steakhouse but unfortunately pukul 6pm baru bukak. Perut dah berkeroncong, maka tak boleh tunggu - go to Plan B - some steakhouse near Maxis Centre tapi unfortunate lagi, tak jumpa pulak Maxis Centre itu. Uwaaa.... So moved to Plan C - Noodle station kat East Coast Mall.
Tapi entah kenapa bila kat Noodle Station, tak jadi pulak nak makan western sebab dah tergoda dengan noodle options. Yelah, kata Noodle Station - jadi mestilah expertise in noodle kan.
These were what we ordered *I lost the receipt and totally forgot the food names - tulah sapa suruh kepam entri lama-lama :P

And the noodle turned out to be indah rupa dari rasa :( Maybe I should choose original sauce to go with the noodle instead of soup. Buyan and En Hubby punya Nasi Goreng *tak ingat nama boleh tahan sedap.
Buyan belanja - thanks a lot, sis :)
Nanti nak story pasal photoshoot kat Monica Bay pulak. Guess what's the beach original name.
It's un-guessable, I bet you.
So, later!
So, later!
hahahah, aku lalu sign board monica bay tu jugak a few weeks back, and bila nampak translation dia, terus gelak guling2 tak hingat punya
hahaha....sian Kemaman diketawakan...adoyyaii....thanx for ur entry....saye mtk izin copypaste bulih?
fatma : yelah, mase 1st aku nmpak nama monica bay tu xtau nk gelak ke nk Mok Nik boleh ditranslatekan jd Monica :)
buyan : ye, sila2, dialu2 kan :)
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